Sean O'Reilly


FretFinder is an app for helping guitarists find inversions of chord progressions, scale positions, and their way across the fretboard. It is meant to be agnostic towards the guitarist's knowledge of music theory. You can discover shapes by clicking on the fretboard, or by entering a specific chord in the scrollable chord selector. FretFinder is built with Apache Cordova, and works on iOS, Android, and web.

Key Wheel
Demo Repo

The Key Wheel is a visualization of 7-tone musical scales that I discovered while doing mathematical research at UC Davis. The network of scales can be used by musicians to find cool new ways to change keys, and see which keys contain certain chords. So far, the Key Wheel has helped me find really interesting and non-obvious cycles of notes that can be used as jazz progressions.

Funcy Organ
Demo Repo

Funcy Organ started out as an idea for a color organ. Currently it's just a cool way to plot functions with your graphics card, and my first real exploration of the OpenGL coding language.

Demo Repo

Scaler is a web application designed for guitarists and pianists. These two common instruments have really different visualizations, and sometimes it can be difficult to quickly transcribe a song on one of these instruments to the other. With Scaler, as the user selects notes, they are sounded and highlighted accross both instruments in all possible places. A pattern selector allows the guitar to be divided into slices of notes to see inversions accross the fretboard.

Explorable Explanation of Music Theory
Demo Repo

My friend and I are working on set of visual interactive tools to help explain the various patterns and cycles in Music Theory. The various React components(embedded in markdown!) automatically update each other throughout the explanation.
